Friday, September 20, 2013

In Studio. 09/20/2013

In Studio. 09/20/2013.

This week has been long. I was stuck in lock down on a military base next to the naval yards where the tragic shootings took place in D.C. on Monday for hours. At different times during the day, we didn't know if it was safe to go outside because or rumors that there were still other possible shooters unaccounted for in the area. Tuesday and Wednesday I drove to look at grad schools in PA and in DE, then back to NC. Yesterday I found out that a solo show I was supposed to have at the school I graduated from was canceled and has to be rescheduled because the school email system did not deliver  the files of the images I sent to my former professors. But I'm back in studio today, working and pushing through. Things happen, both good and bad. Things we want to happen and things we don't. It's life and I'm trying to make the best of it all.

1 comment:

  1. Checking out grad schools? That is awesome, Adam. You have amazing talent and I know you will go far. :) -Jen
